To make a gift using your credit card, please use our secure giving form below. If you wish to pay over the phone, call our Philanthropy Office: (801) 583-0094.
You may also give to Growing Together in any of the following ways:
Giving to The McGillis School is secure and easy using our online giving form. You may also make a gift by credit card by calling our Philanthropy Office: (801) 583-0094.
A gift of stocks (or bonds) provides another option for supporting McGillis. By making a gift of your appreciated securities, you can avoid paying capital gains tax that would otherwise be due if you sold these assets. For more information about making a stock gift to the School, please click here or contact:
Many employers have matching gift programs and will match charitable contributions or volunteer hours made by their employees. Contact your employer to find out if they will provide matching gifts to The McGillis School.
Qualified Charitable Distributions (QCD) or IRA Charitable Rollovers are a great way to make a tax-free gift to The McGillis School using your retirement plan. For more information, please contact your IRA administrator.
You may recommend a gift to The McGillis School via your DAF. Our tax identification number (EIN) is 75-3048375. Pleases contact if you have any questions.